More Love

More Love
by Protest Chip

Sad sipping recently at The Grill, the very limited brain trust of the PCGC was contemplating Mike Love’s decision to abdicate his 13 year presidency. Jason, Blue Lou, Swingin’ Mr. Stevens and I decided to protest Mike’s selfish act.

Armed with liquid encouragement from Mel and with the aid of Randy’s credit card, we began to march. Radical teachers Frank Moro, Mike Bradley and Ray Yo, held up signs reading “More Love” and “7 More Years”.  After a lengthy hydration break, (health before social activism has always been our unwritten motto) we resumed our march.

A bus resembling the one form the Partridge Family television show arrived carrying twenty Berkeley looking, 60’s dropouts. “Dude, we heard there’s a protest going on, we want in,” their smelly leader said to me. “Is it a march or a sit in? What’s the cause?” As I tried to explain, he grabbed his checklist and began to yell instructions to his cadre of hairy henchmen, then hand cuffed himself to a golf cart. The others circled the first tee box, sat down and tried to smoke the divot mix.

Instantly every fringe group in Northern California was marching and shouting their slogans. The media vans rolled in just ahead of the police helicopter. Chants of “Bring Back Love” and “Beer Here” echoed throughout the back nine. Bedlam reigned.

Out of the chaos, Mike Love stood up in his truck bed, raised his hand, pope like and quieted the crowd. He told the streakers to return to their clothes, the tree huggers to shake hands with the loggers, and the Hatfields and the McCoys to just shoot it out once and for all. He restored order, as he has so many times before, just in time for happy hour.

Thank You Mike