Santa Muni

Santa Muni
Chip Kringle

Say Santa, do you want to walk or ride?  I got this covered, Chip, I brought Rudy and a couple of the boys to take us around.  I just feel bad for the foursome behind us, I guess they will learn the real meaning of full relief, if you know what I mean.  Of course, Big Guy, but with your clout, why aren't we playing Augusta, Pebble, or Pine Valley?  Why did you pick Poplar Creek?  

Chip, despite my fancy red suit and custom Foot Joy boots,  I am a muni golfer at heart.  For the people and by the people and all of that.   Besides, I have my Cesena G-6, Air Santa, parked over at SFO.  I really don't mind the slow play and the poor conditions here, as long as Mel's working the bar.  Good call my man, let me introduce you to the rest of the foursome.  No, Chip, let me guess who they are by their wish list status.  Ok Chubs, have at it.  

That's Billy Feeley, red wagon, air rifle and a belly putter.  So this must be John Jargons, I have wanted to meet you for years. You have been asking for Miss October since 1954, why October? Santa, those other months are just too hot for me, replied John.

We were literally flying around the course, Randy G took care of all the air traffic control concerns, as word got out that Santa was indeed in town.  The gallery grew on every hole.  The members came out in numbers usually reserved for free food, to gawk and stare.  The Elf Elite, Santa's security team, was called in.  By the time we landed on 18, The crowd was eight deep. To his credit, Santa greeted each and every member by name.  He smiled at Cabo Nick, shook his head, and simply said no.  

The lovely sirens of this column,  The Chip-etts, held the inner most circle around the green. They were rewarded with a knowing wink and a promise that he'd would see them in their dreams.  The man has style.  We putted out to cheers and unbridled  joy.  Rudy and the boys parked us on the roof.  We then enjoyed several Cuba Libres.  After several more, the belly laughs could be heard for miles around. 

At some point, the jolly fat man stood up and yelled, Merry Chip-mas to one and all!