Man Versus Woman

Man Versus Woman
By Clueless Chip

It was a work day, that much I can say with a reasonable amount of certainty. I was busy grinding away on the range trying hard to quell my demons.  These tormentors are far too numerous and ingrained to be defeated, they can only be pacified.  The more I worked the deeper in the zone I got.  It was somewhere between good versus evil, right versus wrong, gin versus vodka, when I made a discovery. Golf Nirvana.  I was on the cusp of having all eight cylinders, not the usual four, firing at once.  It was her simple "nice swing" that interrupted my reverie.  Man versus woman.
She was tall athletic and sassy.  Her fragrant voice sounded the way jasmine smells in the morning, sweet and tempting. She explained how she was currently between drivers and in need of expert advice.  Did she think I was David Leadbetter or Doctor Ruth?   A bit confused, but in true Chip manner, I swallowed the bait.  Whole!

She swung a few clubs with surprising tempo and ability.  Her swing was flawless.  She took out two drivers, her boys she called them, and explained her commitment phobia.  One woman two drivers, even James Worthy (think back readers) would call this a problem.  She hit them both half heartedly and with little enthusiasm.

Instantly I knew the answer.  Sounding like so many mothers in my past, I told her, "These guys just aren’t right for you.  What you need is a club that swings you.  Something fun with a business side.  What you need is a truck driving poet.  Let’s go see Mel and get you fitted.”

After a few drinks and dinner, she excused her self.  I was momentarily alone, awaiting her return, wondering how I was doing.  Did the lesson work?  Did she get the subtle nuances of my game. It was then I heard the door slam and the tires squeal.  At least I had the check.  Oh well, back to the range.