Rules: Raking the Bunker

You are in a rather large bunker and waiting to hit your shot while your playing partner hits their shot elsewhere near the green.

Can you rake the bunker behind you where you walked in while waiting to hit your shot?

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Prior to 2011, any brushing of the sand prior to your shot was considered to be "testing the surface".

New for 2012, the rule has been amended as follows:

Rule 13-4. Ball in Hazard; Prohibited Actions

Exception 2 to Rule 13-4 is amended to permit a player to smooth sand or soil in a hazard at any time, including before playing from that hazard, provided it is for the sole purpose of caring for the course and Rule 13-2 (Improving Lie, Area of Intended Stance or Swing, or Line of Play) is not breached.

See the video at R&A's website.

You would be advised to be very careful when raking the bunker in tournament play.  Be sure to rake in plain view of your playing partners and don't rake anywhere near your ball; otherwise, you may be challenged that you were actually improving your lie and not caring for the course. 

Related post: Changes to Rules of Golf for 2012-2015
