The Nerve Of Those Guys

The Nerve Of Those Guys
By Chip-Free

I was recently approached by a potential publisher interested in my newest book, “The Last of the Truck Driving Poets”, who wanted to know what was my target audience?  Target audience please!  I have a single-digit readership, most of which is due to poor internet navigation, and he wants to know who I aim  at.  I stared him down with my best ‘Swingin’ Mr. Stevens no blinking 20 foot birdie putt look, no miss, no mess, and asked him from which planet he hailed from. In the words of the great Bugs Bunny, “What a Maroon”.

My ten-year Mr. Magoo-like laser focus has always been on the characters and and events of the Poplar Creek Men’s Club, except when it didn’t. These soulless tie wearing corporate creeps, not an ascot in the bunch, care only about their market share and nothing of our journey.  They don’t care of Cabo Nick’s struggles, the Sons of Civil Servants  vitamin V deficiency or Scott R’s handicap. It matters to them in the slightest that I haven’t paid my attorney, Blue Moon Retainer, since the 2013 Match Play.

I asked J Prez (he is young enough for a hip nickname) about the column and the importance of free press.  “Chip, they will have demands on what you write, on who and what you say,  I am against censorship, but in your case, it might help”.  I quickly dismissed our president’s comments as the folly of youth and continued on.

We at Chip believe in the free press and right to twist the facts any way we want.  It is our responsibility to present the stories of this club in a largely factual manner  whenever possible and only change the facts whenever needed.  As Randy G. would say, “Free the Presses, and pass the Coronas”.